EXTRA: Transformational Leadership Track with 5 Top Leaders Live

Exciting news: Amsterdam Business Forum is getting an EXTRA stage featuring 5 Dutch leaders — The Transformational Leadership track.

Thanks to a partnership with Prowareness, all attendees can join an incredibly insightful program on transformational leadership.

Five Leaders on Transformational Leadership

Five top-ten leaders will share their best ideas with you in this additional program during the breaks at the Amsterdam Business Forum:

Track 1 (11:25-12:10)

  • Anneke Keller, CTO PostNL
  • Janine Vos, CHRO Rabobank

Track 2 (14:25-15:10)

  • Kim van Wilgen, CTO Schuberg Philis
  • Candice Dillon, CIO VodafoneZiggo
  • Anke den Ouden, CEO Microsoft NL

Free access for ticket holders
This program is FREE for all ticket holders at the Amsterdam Business Forum. Even more inspiration than you expected—we love that!

5 Questions - 5 answers

#1 When?

The Transformational Leadership Tracks will take place during the breaks at the Amsterdam Business Forum.

The breaks run from 11:00-12:30 and from 14:00-15:30. Each track will cover about half of the 90-minute break, so you’ll still have time to relax, get some fresh air, and grab a bite to eat.

#2 Where?

We’re setting up the special Transformational Leadership stage right behind the main stage, with room for around 300 people. Space is limited, so be sure to grab your seat early!

#3 For whom?

This extra stage is open to all regular ticket holders of the Amsterdam Business Forum. There’s no extra cost, and no need to sign up in advance. Full = Full.

#4 Why?

Thanks to a new partnership with Prowareness, this program has been added to the Amsterdam Business Forum. Prowareness, an expert in transformational leadership, invited these top leaders to share their experiences. Five forces of female leadership!

#5 How?

This extra stage is free and open to everyone. No registration needed. You’ll receive a map at the Amsterdam Business Forum registration showing you where to go. As soon as the break starts, head over to this extra stage for even more leadership lessons.

Questions? Email: customercare@denkproducties.nl