Amsterdam Business Forum 2024

Amsterdam Business Forum 2024
Friday 27 September 2024

The leadership event of the year, with Brené Brown, Adam Grant and others

Amsterdam Business Forum will be THE leadership seminar of 2024! Featuring a lineup of world class speakers.

The theme of the event is Courageous Leadership, with subthemes:
  • Courage to Focus
  • Courage to Grow
  • Courage to Lead

Speaker Line-up = complete

(from left to right)

  • Ikenna Azuike (NG/UK/NL) – host of ABF2024
  • Elke Geraerts (BE) – Doctor in Psychology and author of multiple books on Resilience and Mental Capital.
  • Adam Grant (USA) - Organizational psychologist at Wharton, bestselling author of Think Again, and host of the podcasts WorkLife & Re:Thinking.
  • Brené Brown (USA) - Research professor at the University of Houston, Author of six #1 NYT Bestsellers.
  • Joseph Oubelkas (NL) - One of Holland’s highest rated Speakers on Resilience.
  • Margriet Sitskoorn (NL) – Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology at Tilburg University and author of 10 books on Brain Work.
  • Michiel Muller (NL) – serial entrepreneur, founder of Picnic, Route Mobiel, Tango and other disrupting companies.

Audience updates

  • Over 1.300 seats at Amsterdam Business Forum are now booked.
  • Registrations are going 214% faster than in 2023
  • VIP tickets are sold out

Regular tickets and Group tickets still available. Make sure to book them now.

Register >

Download de brochure
Brené Brown Adam Grant Joseph Oubelkas
Brené Brown, Adam Grant and others
€ 995,00 excl. 21% VAT


08.30 Registration
09.30 Opening Amsterdam Business Forum by Ikenna Azuike
17.15 Closing and reception

09.30 - Block 1: Courage to Grow

We underestimate the range of skills that we can learn and how good we can become. We can all improve at improving.


* Elke Geraerts: The New Now - Leadership in a world where change is the only constant

* Adam Grant: Hidden Potential - The science of achieving greater things

11.00 Break with deepdive sessions

* Side stage sessions with speakers and partners
* VIP session with Adam Grant (sold out)
* Networking opportunities and Learning Circles

12.30 - Block 2 - Courage to Focus

How do you stay strong when times are extremely challenging?

* Margriet Sitskoorn: The Psychology of Will Power - Training your brain to reach your goals
* Joseph Oubelkas: Extreme Resilience - A remarkable journey

14.00 Break with deepdive sessions

* Side stage sessions with speakers and partners
* VIP session with Brené Brown (sold out)
* Networking opportunities and Learning Circles

15.30 - Block 3 - Courage to Lead

What Does It Mean to Dare to Lead? How do you embed the value of courage in your culture?

* Brené Brown: Dare to Lead - The ultimate playbook for developing brave leaders and courageous cultures (moderated conversation with Ikenna Azuike)
* Michiel Muller: Break the rules, challenge the standards - Lessons from a serial entrepreneur.


“When opportunity doesn't knock, there are ways to build a door.”

Adam Grant

“Courage can be taught, developed and measured. All it requires is a commitment to doing bold work, having tough conversations and showing up with our whole hearts. Easy? No. Choosing courage over comfort is not easy. Worth it? Always. We want to be brave with our lives and work. It's why we're here.”

Brené Brown

Practical information

08.30 Registration
09.30 Opening Amsterdam Business Forum by Ikenna Azuike
17.15 Closing and reception


Johan Cruijff Boulevard 590
1101 DS Amsterdam

Streaming Pass

Amsterdam Business Forum 2024 for all your colleagues? It's possible!

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