Ben Tiggelaar
- Dr. Ben Tiggelaar has been studying leadership and change for over 30 years. As a journalist, teacher, behavioral scientist. But also as an entrepreneur, husband and father.
- Eight van Ben's books (including Dromen, dare, doen and De Ladder) were number one in the Dutch management top 100.
- Ben writes a weekly column about work and life for NRC and interviews experts about personal leadership for BNR.
- MBA in one day, a seminar of Ben Tiggelaar and DenkProductions, is the most successful Dutch management seminar ever with 22,345 participants.
- Ben is a visiting professor at IE Business School in Madrid (one of the top institutes in Europe, according to The Economist and Financial Times). He also regularly gives guest lectures at the Vlerick Business School and the VU University.
- Ben interviewed numerous greats about leadership and change, including: Stephen Covey, Daniel Kahneman, Henry Mintzberg, John Kotter, Simon Sinek and Barack Obama.
"Ben Tiggelaar deeply cares about the challenges we face in becoming better leaders, in changing our lives and in making a real contribution. Ben's unique talent is his ability to translate sound scientific research into inspirational, practical advice."
Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Effective People