Amsterdam Business Forum 2024 in 6 inzichten

Amsterdam Business Forum 2024 in 6 inzichten

AFAS Live knalde vrijdag 27 september als een Chinese duizendklapper tijdens de jaarwisseling. Met 1.700 leiders en ondernemers, 6 topsprekers, host Ikenna Azuike en een tot in detail uitgedacht programma was Amsterdam Business Forum zonder twijfel hét leiderschapsevenement van 2024.

Zo hé.

Wat. Een. Dag.

En we hoorden zó veel wijze woorden over moedig leiderschap, dat we dachten: we lichten per spreker alvast één inzicht voor je uit.

Blok 1. De moed om te groeien

Zo word je nóg beter in wat je doet.

Elke Geraerts
“Leadership is about being present and about the connections with ourselves and the people around us. Focus is the new IQ. Connection is the new EQ. The future belongs to those who balance focus and connection.”

Adam Grant
“Everybody has hidden potential. How do you find and unlock it? This is the first step: put growth over ego. Ask for candid feedback and turn critics into coaches: weak leaders ignore critics, great leaders learn from them.”

Deel 2. De moed om te focussen

Train je brein, bereik je doelen. Ook in uitdagende tijden.

Margriet Sitskoorn
In order to become a transformational leader you have to become wise. In order to become wise you have to change. In order to change, you have to question your believes. In order to question your believes you need courage. And in order to get courageous, you need perseverance. You need to expose yourself to new challenging things. Than neuroplasticity allows you to develop courage and become transformative leaders, step by step.

Joseph Oubelkas
Alle the lessons I’ve learned in prison I applied again in this life where people feel like they are in prison. I tell them: you build those walls. Your mind is free. You carry the key.

Deel 3. De moed om te leiden

Dúrven leiden: zo doe je dat. En zo veranker je moed in je cultuur.

Brené Brown
It’s not fear that gets in the way of daring leadership. All courageous leaders are afraid. The barrier to courage is armor. Leaders who know who they become when they are afraid can continue to be courageous even in deep uncertainty.

Michiel Muller
As entrepreneur taking the first step is the most courageous. But you do it step by step. Keep looking around. Find new opportunities. Try things out, fail and find out. By the time you do it for the third time, it’s easy peasy.

Natuurlijk waren er Veel Meer inzichten dan maar één per spreker, dus hou ons in de gaten voor meer!

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