6 steps to unlock hidden potential - Adam Grant

6 steps to unlock hidden potential - Adam Grant

We all possess hidden potential. A capacity for growth and excellence we might not even realize. At Amsterdam Business Forum, best-selling author Adam Grant shared 6 steps to help us discover and unlock this potential in ourselves and others.

Adam’s insights highlight the importance of adopting a growth mindset, embracing feedback, and challenging traditional ways of thinking. Follow these 6 steps, and before you know it, you’ll be spotting potential as easily as noticing a toddler during their first game of hide-and-seek.

Step 1: Put growth over ego

“You can become a halfway decent diver,” Adam's coach told him honestly when he was a young boy learning somersaults, back triple dives, and double twists. From this, Adam learned that personal growth often requires setting ego aside and focusing on improvement rather than defending your current abilities.

  • Key takeaway: True growth happens when you prioritize learning over ego. Accept feedback, take risks, and view every setback as an opportunity to improve.

Step 2: Turn critics into coaches

Weak leaders ignore critics, while great leaders learn from them. Instead of asking for feedback, ask for advice. Feedback often causes people to reflect on past mistakes, while advice focuses on future possibilities and provides actionable steps for improvement. This approach shifts the conversation from criticism to constructive guidance.

  • Key takeaway: Instead of asking, "What did I do wrong?" try, "What can I do better next time?" Shifting the focus from past mistakes to future improvement can help unlock your hidden potential.

Step 3: Show confident humility

Be secure enough in your strengths to openly acknowledge your weaknesses. Many leaders avoid this vulnerability, fearing it will expose their flaws. However, being open about your weaknesses fosters an environment where others feel comfortable providing honest feedback.

  • Key takeaway: Recognize your weaknesses and ask for candid feedback. Share your mistakes, be honest, and show vulnerability. Use criticism as a tool for growth, as this openness encourages others to do the same.

Step 4: Find the diamonds in the rough

Give people a chance to demonstrate their true abilities, especially when their initial performance may not reflect their potential. For example, during an interview, Adam initially misjudged a candidate based solely on social skills. However, after giving the individual a second chance to showcase his selling skills, Adam discovered that the candidate outperformed expectations, ultimately becoming the company’s top salesperson.

  • Key takeaway: Don’t judge someone solely on their initial performance. Instead, observe how they grow from their first attempt to the second. This is a more accurate predictor of their potential.

Step 5: Unlock collective intelligence

Avoid traditional brainstorming, as it often leads to groupthink, where dominant voices drown out diverse perspectives. A better approach is brainwriting: individuals first generate their ideas alone, then share them with the group for discussion and evaluation.

  • Key takeaway: Brainwriting helps unlock hidden potential by giving everyone, especially introverts, an equal platform to contribute their ideas.

Step 6: Think like a scientist

A key part of unlocking hidden potential is the willingness to be proven wrong. Being wrong is not a failure; it's a sign of growth. The quicker you embrace the joy of being wrong, the faster you can move toward success.

Adam warns against adopting the thinking patterns of preachers, prosecutors, or politicians—roles that involve defending your views, attacking others' beliefs, or seeking approval instead of exploring new perspectives. Instead, he suggests thinking like a scientist.

  • Key takeaway: To unlock your potential and that of others, adopt a scientific mindset. Approach problems with curiosity and a willingness to experiment. Be open to trying new things and taking risks.

In other words: the road to success is often paved with uncertainty and the willingness to embrace discomfort. But you’ve got this!

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